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Presentation Post

By: JMari S.

In my opinion, presenting our project during the community bash was easier than during class. During class, the experts that commented on our project were very direct in telling us our mistakes and how we could have done better if we had more time. On the other hand, during the community bash, we could explain our project more clearly so that the other people walking around could understand us. I think it was easier to answer the questions during the community bash, because we could answer their questions because the experts reviewed our project and gave good feedback.

In the project the way we created are graphs really contributed to explaining our work that showed our results and it worked really well but if we could have shown the distance of the bubbles to add extra data to explaining the results but we had no time too find the data.

I learned a lot from the project that I wouldn’t have learned anywhere else. Something I learned this summer included the meaning of bubbles, which is the area of stars and other particles. I also learned about the galactic center, which I wouldn’t have learned about until next year in school. Finally, I learned about how large our galaxy is.

There is not much else to say or questions I have to ask but overall we did a great job.

Greetings Earthlings!
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